Sunday, March 23, 2008

Charles Chips San Diego

Dalla piazza più bella della Provincia di Enna
Easter in Sicily Nicosia Sunday, March 23, 2008
Piazza Garibaldi

Happy Easter to all the world Nicosians
(For more images, see the
'stock photo:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wrestlingshoes Nike Freeks

Forte are the feelings of attachment to maintain the traditional feast Nicosiani
The feast of St. Michael the Archangel in
Nicosia Sicily

The wooden statue of St. Michael the Archangel, is the work of Giovan Battista nicosia
Li Volsi (XVII sec. 1600-1610)
to see more pictures, click on: http://www.nicosiafotografica.blogspot . com

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Herpes And Stomach Issues

"Carlo Basilotta"
our hospital

The current health facility, was inaugurated in June 1979

of Anthony Campione


very old and of unknown origin is our hospital. It is said esistesse all'epoca delle ultime Crociate e pare funzionasse regolarmente durante il passaggio da Nicosia di Carlo V il 16 e 17 ottobre 1535, reduce dall'impresa di Tunisi, che proveniente da Palermo per andare a Messina attraverso una strada interna passò da Nicosia e vi istituì i 24 baroni. Una costituzione della Congregazione di S. Antonio della Pace, l'antica chiesa attigua all'attuale tempio di S. Antonio Abbate, redatta nel 1780, nel capitolo riservato al servigio dell'ospedale, ci parla di una chiesa dell'ospedale dove i confrati "divotamente preghino Sua Divina Maestà, che loro conceda di poter con carità far quello servizio", ma non ci descrive come soddisfare i bisogni spirituali degli ammalati, come benedire e servire loro il meal "with love" those so weak that they are not able to be able to use his own hands, the religious services on Saturday evening and also takes care of the deficiencies that the brothers could commit in the exercise of their mission, and replacement of those not well dressed comp by sick patients.
Signs are that the building used for hospital, originally was to be adjacent to the church of S. Antonio Abbate, and exactly what they stand facing the square of the same name and everything before the church, with an entrance from the alley and the Church of Peace Hospital where it comes in the said Constitution.
This hypothesis would find support in the ledges of stone, visible even today, and originally left for the continuation of the building instead was replaced with the church of S. Anthony Abbate. Subsequently, the Institute
Pio, moved his seat in the building where he was a Benedictine monastery, which was left by those granted to the Confraternity of St. Calogero belonging to the homonymous church (also known as the Agonizzanti SM). The church of S. Calogero stood under the hill of the Savior, leaning against a rock called "mole of San Calogero" from whose name remains the memory of S. Calogero old. His fraternity had existed since 1580 and after the founding of the hospital took over the care of patients helped in this by comp Oratory of Peace, which was superior with the two rectors of the pawnshop, the hospital administration until 1818, after this date, the hospital administration was delegated to the Mayor and two members elected by the settlers of the city.
At the end of 1600, the comp left the church under the wheels and built the current hospital building which was also dedicated to St. Mary of the dying. The hospital had its own lanes open in the current building D'Alessandro, behind the church of San Calogero and whereas before only took care of strangers, following the enlargement of the local lanes opened also to the residents of Nicosia. The Brotherhood of St. Calogero took care of the sick and in such a place exerts its noble mission until al 29 giugno 1900, data in cui l'ampio e bel fabbricato, non si sanno i veri motivi, venne alienato e l'ospedale ancora una volta trasferì la sua sede presso l'ex convento dei Paolini in S. Francesco di Paola.
Con quali mezzi l'ospedale nei secoli scorsi abbia esplicato la sua nobile missione non si sa: ma a quei tempi, ammalati e carcerati vivevano di carità pubblica ed uno dei compiti, certamente il principale, delle confraternite addette a questi umanitari uffici era quello di raccogliere l'elemosina. Si sa che Carlo Basilotta, barone di S. Andrea, morto nel 1672, del quale oggi l'ospedale porta il nome, insieme con il fratello Giovanni, profusero tutte le loro ricchezze in opere di beneficenza e specialmente Giovanni, che letteralmente was reduced to begging for his acts of generosity. It seems certain that the Pio Istituto least in the eighteenth century, did not own property and owned many of his supposed benefactors or less are passed to the city's history .... sale of smoke that serious and more tangible reason for that was as Vicar General, who in his will he remembered of our hospital to let him heir to the trappings of his car!
But the real and great benefactors of our hospital may say so, grouped into two names: the Chevalier and Miss Helen Joseph Nicosia Nicosia San Giajme. The
hp. Giuseppe Nicosia, who died January 20, 1899 (the eve of the alienation of property via Fratelli Testa), left Spataro, the feud as a legacy to the hospital and Miss Elena Nicosia San Giajme died September 10, 1930 Tenimento of the "Holy Sunday", and about twenty thousand francs a year in government bonds.
Professor. rag. Salvatore Bruno, a member of the Congregation of Charity of Nicosia, which administers the charity, November 12, 1910 report to the President and all members of the congregation, in exposing the plight faced by individual institutions, report on their operation , on capital and finance "and what should be in similar businesses, to perform an administrative action quickly and effectively accomplished." From these dates
our hospital seems to have taken a real autonomy that the years to follow has remained independent.
But the steady erosion of the pound and the breakdown of land ownership and all the incredible chaotic legislation, have inflicted mortal bodies at that age-old charitable institution.
During the years of World War II, was bombed, and died on that occasion: a volunteer Maria Cirino Capra, who died on 22/07/1943 and nurse voluntary CRI Costanza Bruno Salomone, died on 23/07/1943.
After reconstruction and expansion of the premises, the former convent in Piazza S. Paolini Francesco address of the hospital that he remained until 1979, and moved again at the new Via San Giovanni, designed around the seventies with new construction criteria.

Family News on our "Civic Hospital"

, 1954 An article published in "The Echo of the Mountains", a fortnightly independent of the city of Nicosia, founded in 1905 by Mariano La Via says Family history Basilotta in the hospital is named.
"We need the kind permission of Bishop Vitale the possibility of being able to do some research in the archives of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, research that have allowed us to dispel a myth about the origins of the founding of our hospital named after Charles Basilotta, character which until today except che il nome di una nostra strada cittadina a lui dedicata ed un quadro (vedi la foto in alto) che c'è lo raffigura nella sua giovane età, fortunatamente rinvenutosi, poichè con eccessiva legerezza era stato dato per distrutto durante gli ultimi episodi bellici, null'altro conoscevasi.
Premettiamo anzitutto che il nostro ospedale civico, come dimostrano le note seguenti, preesisteva alla data di nascita di Carlo Basilotta, e nessun lume allo stato attuale della documentazione a nostra conoscenza abbiamo, che possa fare indirizzare delle ricerche sulla sua data di fondazione.
I dati storici cominciano coi nomi dei due figli del barone Antonino Basilotta, due vere grandi figure di filantropi, troppo ingiustamente obliate, who started very young, although the uplifting series of charities continue after the families of the barons Nicosia, Falco and Sangjaime to mention only the most important as an input means, really honored that our city, and show the real feelings of the facts coll'evidenza of these noble families Nicosia, observed today, centuries later.
Basilotta Di Giovanni, the younger son of Baron Antonino, who was born in 1647, we know that person was dedicated exclusively to the asset. He was responsible, with the cooperation of Baron Nicosia, the foundation of the Monte di Pietà in our city. For his acts of philanthropy was reduced to begging, so that his two sons, Anthony and Joseph to live were forced to engage in the work camps, they participate in the quality manual for farmers, while the only daughter Anna was entrusted to the elder brother Charles, Baron S. Andrea. This was Basilotta
Charles, passed away very early age, was born in 1645 and died in 1672, enjoying our city turned around the economic conditions of the hospital, requiring only as compensation to his handouts that the revived Institute was its name that he still retains. It is part of the last years of his short life, a romantic episode, which still bears new light on the chivalrous feelings of this patrician.
lived in his palace two young women of Muslim origin. Nothing is known about their place of birth and their age except that a few words bequeathed to us by the acts. Of course you will be treated slaves, spoils of some enterprise corsaresca lawful in those days, the young baron bought in Palermo or Catania and led him as "ancillae" so says the act of baptism. What is certain is that on October 6, 1670 the two women were named by Charles Basilotta, which requires them not only the name but the name, and two sisters, it is reasonable to assume, are well recorded in the records of the church, with the name of Anna Basilotta small and large with the ninth Barbara Basilotta.
Simultaneously with this event it happens another: the baptism and the legitimacy of a newborn baby named Joseph, who obviously can not be a child born with a love of two sisters that Carlo Basilotta to put peace in his conscience would legitimize.
The three acts, however, are not registered and only after the death of Charles Basilotta occurred 19 days after January 31, 1672, it is assumed by the public interest and are regularly recorded.
Basilotta Charles during his short life, lived dominated by the influence of the Minor Friars, near the convent, and in fact he was enrolled in the Confraternity of the PM as the brother and died after receiving the last sacraments of the Church.
the heritage of the Fathers Charles Minor became the directors and delivered to Anna Basilotta, the daughter of John, the estate of S. Andrea, gave the title of baron and detained seven fiefdoms that made up the bulk of the inheritance of the house of S. Andrea.
Basilotta Joseph, the second of two sons of John and grandson of Charles, was proclaimed in Nicosia Captain of Justice in 1706-1707, this very important office in those days. Armed with his new position, made the mistake of starting practice for the redemption of the title and the family property Basilotta, which had seized the Friars Minor, bumping it against the interests of the Church. This request
and perhaps the tone in which the same was made, aroused the ire of the powerful Order and therefore was declared outlawed and forced so to move away from his hometown, without giving further news of his new residence. The great landed property
Basilotta consists of seven estates namely: Sugar, Gorgo, poo, Cologno, Nasco, Larbi Carotta and remained in the Minor Friars, while that of S. As Andrea said, had been given ... by the same monks the death of Charles to his niece Anna, who had been entrusted. The city of Nicosia
the act complained of Fathers and Children Basilotta was the loss of plant, recognizing men of energy and goodness of heart.
also go back to this date the resignation of a noble family Nicosia by the Brotherhood of Monte di Pietà (which was founded by Anthony Basilotta the father of Joseph proscribed) in solidarity with family Basilotta, which was linked by ties of kinship.
Basilotta The legitimate son of Charles, who was also named Joseph, married 20 October 1720 (at the age of fifty years says he was born as the faith of legitimacy, which is preserved in the archives of our Cathedral), the daughter of Baron Don Philip Nicosia.