Notizia importante!
alert everyone that there have been cases of human rabies in Belluno, if you know someone in those areas or those parts be careful. Take control of your pets!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ohio State Computer Backgrounds
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Buying Gold In Dubai Airport
Figura di.... veterinaria
Customer: "At the sky I saw a documentary on peccary .. . know these animals ... Well you know obviously he does not know her! "
Vet:" Yes ... Of course! "
Thought of veterinary:" what the hell is a peccary?! "
incidentally here to find out what are the peccary (and the photo above is obviously a peccary) and even the way you can know all the mica subspecies exist.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Best Emulator For Soul Silver
The year 2011 is the year of the anniversary of a great event that was "the unification of Italy."
A political union, which first took shape in the monarchy, to the disappointment of those (Garibaldi, Mazzini, Republicans) who fought so hard for this project of democratic and unified identity, and that, in response to dramatic events such as the two great wars and the Fascist regime, he later life to the Italian Republic, enshrined in the Charter of the Constitutional Fathers "Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work. The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution "(Article 1 of the Constitution).
President Giorgio Napolitano said: "... it is our determination to reaffirm, protect, strengthen national unity that was the reason why so many Italians devoted their efforts and their lives."
is then that all those who share this commitment, we going to celebrate the idea of \u200b\u200bnation, love of country, the principles of sovereignty of the people and state, the ideals of equality, freedom and democracy.
whole of Italy, in various ways and with various initiatives, reflects and celebrates the anniversary and so Nicosians we want to begin this journey with a first event that we will see everyone, administration, schools, police, citizens, gathered in Piazza Garibaldi and then to the main roads to the monument to the fallen for their country, on the morning of Wednesday, March 16.
We invite everyone to have a little flag in hand and also to outline the balconies, "tricolor" our cities with the banner that the Constitution art. 12 assigns a symbol of our Republic and we are putting forward to symbolize the ideals of our nation's pregnant. L 'ITALY! Nabor
Councillor for Culture
Sport: Football - first-class group H
Concerns about the exponential growth of oncological diseases, increase between citizens Nicosiani!
Just a few days ago, a friend, terrified for the last cases of patients and deaths registered in the country, he wrote me a message through which indicated his panic: "It 's a game of Russian roulette, friends, relatives, neighbors, when ... my turn? "
I tried to reassure her that every period of history has had its major epidemics and huge problems. We do not distinguish and, probably, the epidemic of our day has a name well-defined: "Cancer"!
Of course, it becomes inexplicable how, as a territory of the province of Enna, completely "virgin" from the point of view of industrial plant, and is literally torn apart by this evil scourge "silent"!
In this context, however, occasionally, there is some good news!
fact seems imminent, probably a matter of days, the signing of the Agreement between the Asp 4 di Enna e il Responsabile del Registro Tumori Integrato di Catania per l’attivazione del Registro Tumori nella nostra provincia. Al Direttore Generale dell’Asp 4 di Enna , Dott. Nicola Baldari, e ai Suoi collaboratori va, senz’altro, il plauso e il merito per il prestigioso risultato ottenuto. A questo bisogna inoltre aggiungere il felice esito riguardante l’apertura dell’Hospice di Enna, struttura destinata alla cura dei malati oncologici terminali, “primogenito” di una serie di hospice pronti a partire nell’intero territorio ennese.
Nel frattempo, la macchina della solidarietà non conosce tregua!
L’Ago-onlus di Nicosia, continua la propria opera di assistenza nei confronti dei cancer patients not only the district but the entire area north of Nicosia district. The pride of its initiatives is just the free transfer of patients to the centers for diagnosis and treatment of reference.
A constant service made possible by the availability and dedication of many volunteers who lend their work from the early morning hours for driving the same bus. But this would not have been enough without the proper financial support of many benefactors in the silence that continue to support this work.
last, and foremost, the action being taken by the pastor of the Basilica S. Maria Maggiore in Nicosia, Don Nicola Ilardo who, on behalf the parish community, sent, to the undersigned, an important contribution for the initiative to free transport for the sick, "Put your heart in motion." To him and to the whole parish community, which so uplifting, he looks after himself, the deepest appreciation and gratitude not only of age-non-profit organization, but of all cancer patients! Dr. Sergio
Aug-President of Nicosia onlus
e-mail 24/02/2011
It 's the thiol film Francesco Russo, Sicily, Mazara del Vallo.
His first work. Initially designed as a short film during the shoot (mostly shot in Nicosia and nearby Sperlinga) has proved a real movie and quality.
The theme is gambling, ugly beast, who is unbeaten in this vice from the many negative aspects, personal and social.
Why the choice of Nicosia for the shooting?
"On a visit a few years ago, I found a familiar and friendly of Nicosiani, not to mention the beauty of the city, many monuments that are worth visiting."
The premiere screening will take place at Mazara in February to follow that of Nicosia in the first fortnight of March 2011.
Installation work of the film. were performed at Los Angeles (USA), Francesco Russo where he studied filmmaking.
Cast: Santo Santonocito, Fabio Dulzetto, Alice Ferlito, Alessandra Mecca and Katia Annino.
The film extras took part in Nicosia and Sperling.
The film extras took part in Nicosia and Sperling.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Monster Energybackpack
the event will take place Sunday June 21, 2009 at 19:00
The story of a community is made up of events, people, traditions and culture. These and other components characterizing the progress and personalities an area with everything you can to espimere and produce, and on this path that we must remember those who have made a real contribution to cultural development in the broad sense of a community. One of the characters of our recent past has been that the sculptor Francesco Curcio, at the beginning of the century just ended, exercising the profession of the stonemason Viale Vittorio Veneto, where he had the lab.
He, in addition to normal working marble sculpture had a vein and built the tombs in the artistic part of our most valuable monumental cemetery, marble busts of Mussolini and General Rodolfo Graziani. During the period I lived in Rome, attended the contest by the Board for World Expo 1942 (E-42) where he won first prize by presenting a project that was to be achieved in the euro area.
is also working on his marble bust, located at the lobby of City Hall, showing our most popular dialect poet or Carmelo La Giglia.
This administration has, therefore, the honor and pleasure to remember and call to our distinguished fellow citizen, the square below to Viale Vittorio Veneto in a ceremony to be held Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 19.00 at the aforementioned Avenue (Santa Maria of Jesus) and that nationality is invited to attend.
Councillor cultural activities
Municipality of Nicosia
Nabor Power
(read more)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Kates Playground Hacked Kates Playground?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Make Your Own Saddle Cloth
Sperlinga (En) dal 16 dicembre 2010 al 21 gennaio 2011
EMIGRANTS FOREVER - Mostra d'arte contemporanea
a cura di Filippo Altomare
Museo della Cività Contadina di Sperlinga
Nicosia (En) 18-19-25-26 dicembre 2010 e 1-2-5-6 gennaio 2011
Mostra dei Presepi in Lamina
del maestro d'arte Santino Barbera
SS. Sacramento St. Nicholas, near the Cathedral
among the "100 Nativity scenes in Rome
ROME. On January 7, 2010 at 17.00 at the 34th International Exhibition of "100 Cribs" in Rome at the Sale del Bramante (Piazza del Popolo) among the many nativity scenes from around the world, was awarded the presence of some ambassadors and artists from various from all il mondo l’opera presepistica in lamina di alluminio anodizzato rame dal titolo Ecumenismo di Santino Barbera di Nicosia (EN) nella Categoria Presepi Fantasiosi, il premio è stato consegnato dalla Dott.ssa Mariacarla Menaglia direttore della Rivista delle Nazioni e curatrice della Mostra con la presente motivazione “Per aver saputo armonizzare il fastoso barocco del tempio che ospita la Natività con l’atmosfera misteriosa e favolistica creata dalla presenza dei Re Magi adoranti”.
La mostra è patrocinata con Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica e Patrocinio della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana.
Le categorie erano composte da Presepi: Tradizionali, Artistici, Fantasiosi e dalle Associazioni.
In mostra from all over the world there were 165 nativity scenes including the embassies of Croatia - Holy See, the Philippines, Slovak Republic - Holy See, Dominican Republic - Holy See Embassy of Peru - Holy See, Republic of San Marino and Italy were 14 regions, there were also exposed Icons from the Academy of Romania, which are also rewarded. The only winning from Sicily was Santino Barbera from Nicosia (EN) out of 165 outcome crib is one of the first. "A great satisfaction to have been awarded to the presence of many ambassadors who deliver the prestigious international prize, the jury wanted me to explain the methods of construction work and the time of creation. " The work was greatly appreciated by the public come from 27 November 2009-6 January 2010, especially by children who were fascinated by the brilliance of the work, have called the "Nativity of gold." The work
"Ecumenism" has already been exposed in 2007 in Nicosia, in 2008 the International Exhibition of Nativity in Greccio (RI), the same in 2007 she was awarded a prize by the Cultural crib Regional Regional Friends of the Crib Madonie and Sicily and the 1st prize in the city of Nicosia (EN), the Pro-Loco.
master the art nicosia Santino Barbera
of January 7, 2009
How to pay for the pleasure of hosting a work of art that is over the Christmas period been exposed in the parish church of my country, especially when this work was done by a friend, Santino BARBERA? Santino for years expressed the desire to donate one of his works to the Pope, and during the preparatory phase of the project "The Day Sorriso” ho fatto in modo tale che l’opera intitolata “Monumento alla Pace” fosse destinata alla Parrocchia di Montecastrilli (TR), questa infatti era stata concepita per essere donata al Santo Padre già da molto tempo, ma fino ad una settimana prima nulla era certo. Con l’aiuto e i suggerimenti di un altro amico nicosiano e del mio Parroco P. Faustin MBULA, ho contattato la Prefettura della Casa Ponteficia in Vaticano e poco dopo, espletate le varie pratiche burocratiche, la mia richiesta è stata evasa. Santino era ancora incredulo lo stesso giorno che ha partecipato all’udienza generale; infatti sono stato costretto a farglielo sapere solo un paio di giorni prima poiché occorreva la his signature on the documents submitted, as an author and owner of the work that had to be given. Unbelief would nevertheless continue to exist even though no gift was ever agreed with so much emotion and surprise. Finally, among the tide of people coming from all over the world, January 7 last BARBERA Santino could explain his work personally to Pope Benedict XVI that he liked the gift received with pleasure, and gratified by the sense that the work represents, thanked our friend and teacher of art Nicosia.
(The article by Michael Zingone
from Bologna and the description of the artistic work in foil)
Lilly and St. John Gentile (Nicosiani)
by Montecastrilli (Tr)
Photos: Photo Shoot "L'Osservatore Romano Vatican City
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