Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Invitation Wording 3 Year Old

The past can not come back! What to do with an unused area in the center of the city?

remove the constraints and look forward
This is the ancient monastic settlement of Benedictine nuns of Holy Sunday in Nicosia (church and convent), which occurred between 1735 and 1759.
Between the Via di San Giuseppe and the way Frank Solomon, stood a magnificent temple of Christianity Nicosia, rich Renaissance-style interior (apse of the main altar), but mainly for the valuable and rare ceramic tiled floor in the typical colors Sicily, blue, yellow and green, and finally, but not of secondary importance, the elegant exterior of the prospect of local stone facade of St. John.
A treasure of monumental art, of which there was no desire at all to intervene effectively to make a necessary renovation work at 360 degrees.
Of course, the damage caused by the earthquake of 1967, it led to the final without use of the sacred, though, until the school year 1968-69, the old building of the monastery was used as a school and that I they enjoy the same until the second grade.
Demolished after 1975, the remainder of the main facade of the church, leaning on a F. Solomon attempted to rebuild the same statement, which were numbered its decorative pieces. Then he built a concrete wall (still exists), which had to be re-assembled the stones of the facade, but it was realized that the wall protruded beyond its original boundaries, so mounting the stones of the prospectus, it stuck out thoroughly.
In act, the entire area is left to the absolute degradation, stray cats, dogs and mice have created their natural habitat.
What options could be considered for the whole area?
1) rebuild the church after all this time, I do not know whether it is desirable idea, where are the priests;
2) level and build a public parking (plus in the center), where you can eliminate most of the problems of foreigners and local residents for parking;
3) construct a building for social o un museo d’arte locale.
Il tutto coordinato ed autorizzato dalla Curia Vescovile della Diocesi di Nicosia, la Sovrintendenza ai beni culturali ed architettonici della Provincia di Enna, dal Comune di Nicosia e dagli altri enti preposti.
Speriamo di poter contare sulla buona volontà degli amministratori pubblici e religiosi, per portare a termine un progetto di validità collettiva e dare un senso di civiltà ad una zona della città in cui bisogna nuovamente portare vitalità e soprattutto utilità alla gente.

siti web locali:

Friday, November 30, 2007

What Kind Of Shoes Do You Have?

"virescit VULN VIRTUS"

"virescit VULN VIRTUS"
Salvatore Trovato *
taken from: "Essays in Nicosia toponymy"
pp. 83-86
edizioni Valdemone, via Casale - Nicosia (1997)
(su gentile concessione dell’autore)

Sull’architrave di una finestra poco alta sul piano della strada, sulla via Diego Ansaldi tra i numeri civici 7 e 9, a Nicosia, è incisa la data 1653 e l’emistichio VIRESCIT VULNERE VIRTUS, cioè “per la ferita si accresce il valore”.
Se la data, in mancanza di annali della città e di precise notizie d’archivio, non dice nulla, la sequenza latina, di primo acchito almeno, non può sembrare altro che la stravaganza di un qualche erudito che in quell’epoca abitò quella casa.
Il motto latino, infatti, appartiene all’antico poeta latino Furio Anziate (Second century BC.) Author of a lost poem Annales . The survival of the verse that resonates in its entirety Increscunt minds, virescit vulnerable virtus, is due to the curiosity of scholarly Aulus Gallium (II century BC.), Which precisely in its Noctes Atticae (18.11. Ed . Hosius 1903, II, 251-52) reminds us of the presence of verbs in - sco fully poetic for Galli, nothing poetic to the grammarian Chasing Vindice, in which Gallio argues in this regard.
Returning to the motivation of our membership, we realize that the hypothesis of extravagance scholarly losing ground if you give due consideration and a series of clues relating to the history of Nicosia, able to shed light on those grounds: the place where the inscription is placed, the contents of it and the date.

1. The rivalry between Marian and Nicoleta

should be immediately recalled, in fact, that the medieval and modern history of the city is characterized by the struggle between the secular residents of the Santa Maria (Marian) and those of the district of St. Nicholas (Nicolet). Ethnic struggle at the beginning - namely, the threshold of the XIV Seol - which becomes the fifteenth century onward in the struggle for the primacy of either church. Nicosia, of course, after the Norman conquest of Sicily, you will receive a colony of people from the southern Piedmont (Monferrato) and the Ligurian hinterland. The newcomers - which in the first half of the thirteenth century were added to the Lombardi Vaccaria - had to live with old people, Greek-rite if not language. The partnership had to be difficult from the outset.
relatively late (1340) is an act of peace (The Way 1898: 478-515), from which we get the news of the rivalry between the inhabitants of two districts. From that document we learn that Mariani and Nicolet were used to compete in an open field in a place still called Battle Serra.
Since that date the fights became less and turned into bloody struggle for preeminence its bell tower. Top players this time were the priests of the two churches, which until 1847 (year of the unification of the two chapters), in order to have recognized the superiority of his own church over the other, wasting huge sums for causes in the courts of Messina, Palermo, Naples and Rome.
The citizens of the two districts took an active part in the struggle, the history of the game which refers to 1972. For our purposes it is useful to recall that the city was long divided into two parts. Already in the polls in 1413 (Barbato 1919: 116) makes no distinction between judges quarterji Sanctae Mariae and those quarterji Sancti Nicolai. Later, in 1577, Archbishop Messina, Bishop John rectangular, addressing the increasingly unsustainable rivalry between the two factions, pro bono pacis is forced to order that the two main churches were taken and die in their own territory, "a separate ab alia ac is located in fuerint nec duabus civitatibus a dependent ab alia "(Playing 1972: 67). This decision establishes a division of law exists in fact. The
"peliere (current Piazzetta Leo II, the entrance to Via Francesco Salomone), in fact, marked the boundary between the two neighborhoods, while an area nullius, that leave from Piliere extended to the church of St. Joseph, served as bearing.
It was not uncommon, the uses and customs in force in the city, boys and young men who encroached beyond the limits of their neighborhood, they were stopped by the other peers that "with bolder ways - writes M. The Way (1898: 494-95) - asking them: - Who lives? ". Woe to not say "Viva Santa Maria" if the detainees were in the neighborhood of St. Nicholas, and vice versa.
Returning to our membership, it should be noted that the position in which it is situated is in the door of the district of Santa Maria: Soon after the church of San Giuseppe and the beginning of the road Diego Ansaldi. Based on this, the hypothesis of extravagance learned of the seventeenth-century owner of the house is losing ground, and entry and the place where it is require very different reasons.

2. The harsh threat

Turning now to the content dell'emistichio Latin and comparing again nicosia environment, not far from the truth in saying that it has the air of a real threat: <>. And this is even a way so as to alert the Nocoleti, perhaps, in that distant 1653, had given offense to Mariani, and tell them with words instead, they Valerio, so certainly not the end, he says with a vernacular proverb : who pulls before pulling ncaddandö, who pulls second Chiang pulls . That is: 'Who pulls the first to hit the opponent with some hesitation, who responds to the attack instead hit with the anger and pain of the wound'.
The content, therefore, if my hypothesis is absolutely correct, the inscription is a motivating factor in relation to historical and cultural climate that the city lived for many centuries: the perennial fight between the two factions, that of immigrants against those northern of natives.
Failure of accurate information is the city's history. Thus, if the date of registration is precise and unambiguous - the 1653 in fact - and dumb they are, relative to that date, while the rich archives capitolari delle due chiese. È sicuramente la piccola storia dei fatti di ogni giorno – quella non registrata nei documenti scritti – che ha prodotto a Nicosia questa iscrizione. Essa vuol mettere in sull’avviso la tracotanza e la temerarietà dei Nicoleti con un linguaggio metaforico e con un verso assai peregrino, incomprensibile ai più. Ma certo tra i Nicoleti c’era chi aveva occhi per vedere e orecchi per intendere.
Prof. Salvatore Trovato

*(Ordinario di Linguistica generale presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell’Università di Catania)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Green Soap Dilute Tattoos

Poetry galloitalico nicosia

Joseph La Motta Salinella, an unknown poet
Salvatore C. Found (Nicosia)
Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Letters, University of Catania

On no. 15 "L'Echo of the Mountains" of April 15, 1906, p. 2 was published a poem - entitled N-body de wind en de destin body - made up of three quatrains of alternating rhyme in heroic verse, anonymous, or rather, signed with a witty pseudonym "zu ia U 'and that is,' Uncle I ' . The use of dialect is impeccable and the name certainly does not serve to conceal the author to the readers. Whoever, in the Nicosia a century ago, was able to know who was sad and disappointed in love who owned a villa in Valdinora, a district of Nicosia. After a century, however, would not be easy to recognize the identity if, in a few months after the publication in "The Echo", Gaetano Amalfi, Royal Court Attorney at the Criminal and Civil Law in Nicosia, had not republished this essay, to a wider audience, the no. 12 of "Giambattista Basile. Archive of Popular Literature "(December 15, 1906, pp. 89-93, in support of Article Nicosia and its dialect, published in the previous issue of that magazine No. 11 of November 15, 1906, pp. 81-85) , attributing to Baron Joseph La Motta Salinella (1882-1967), a young scion of an illustrious family in the city.
The text of La Motta was published together with the still unpublished and Folipu Cicoza A Train and Carmelo La Giglia, who two years later, in 1908, will become part of the volume Musa vernacola.Questa publishing the story of the poem. But, wanting to gratify the reader's curiosity hours, it is right back here the composition of La Motta. The carry-over spell in which I designed for the future of the dialect vocabulary of Nicosia and also soon propose to the navigators and Nicosiani sperlinghesi that culminates in "Nicosianews", since you can not even play the original spelling, which is designed for Nicosia Mariano La Via and used in his poetry by Carmelo La Giglia. Following the translation of individual blocks of four, also taken from "Giambattista Basile."

N-body de wind en de destin body

A gust of wind and a stroke of luck from my

Dananzö rroba to Vaudenora
ghj'è n arbol de pe mëÙndöla nsciörù
NSIN to stömatin Iera na FROR, Institute de
Scior branches Iera vestù;

First Valdinora to my property, there is a
almond tree flowers:
up to this morning was a flora, all
dress of white flowers;

but now that turned twenty fine feu, de
tut'i Scior free or spoghjà;
and mind stömatin zita na pariah
bëndema to talielö Piatà ago! But now that appears

wind did revenge
of all the flowers totally robbed;
this morning and while it looked like a bride,
now (just) to look at is mercy!

Gosch O my heart, that Iera Namor, Iera nsciörù
Institute of contentment, but now that
Marozza ddascià
me now and I enjoy nen missing Hopefully chjù!
Ö zu ia

So my heart that it was love, contentment
everything was blooming;
but now that Mary has left me,
now enjoys and hopefully even more!
Mr. Ego.

The Amalfi closes his article with this brief comment: "How delicate and how much affection." A comment that we can not subscribe, but at the same time makes us ask a question: the delicacy and the skill composition of the young poet ran out over this one poem?
The hope is that the family may reveal the existence of many other unpublished delicate to be made known to the community and the world of studies. _______________________________________

Nicosia news published by December 13, 2007


Enza Giangrasso from Nicosia

Demo praise or pan

Davì bien volleys or pan, which is
or heart from home, the smell
Bön, Alora Alora, bakes,
pasgiö a table, and rricö
Dö Dö povareddö.
Davì brings respite or pan,
that cios na na peccida ear,
Dö Pra is the glory, grace to
Dö ground
a party to life.
Davì honor or pan, sweat and pride
de viddaë
and Deo nen fei sad because
use of each and every day is a wealth
is n rregalö saints
eg overalls the Dö famigghjë world.

Enza Giangrasso

taken from VIII Review of poetry and prose in dialect galloitalico (2006)
by Archeoclub of Italy - home to Sperlinga (En
) ____________________

We praise the bread
you to love bread,
which is the heart of the house,
smell good, freshly baked
peace table,
of the rich and the poor man.
You have to give respect to the bread, which ended in a spike
is the glory of the lawn,
the grace of the land,
the feast of life.
You have to honor the bread,
sweat and wind farmers,
and he does not make bad use, because every day is

wealth is a holy gift
for all families in the world.
Enza Giangrasso from Nicosia

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Playstation 3 Headset Von Gamestop


Metro stop Line A "Saint John".

Free Parking, 24 Via Faleria

50 meters from the shop.

Difference Between London Broil And Brisket