An article spread by word of mouth via e-mail and blogs denouncing the privatization of public water in Italy, while they continue the grassroots mobilization in defense of a common good.
"While long-standing debates raging in the country on the apron at school, on a leash for the dog and the scourge of graffiti, the Berlusconi government without telling anyone has started the privatization of public water.
Parliament voted to Rule 23 bis of Legislative Decree 112 of Minister Tremonti who said that the management of water services should be subject to the rules of the capitalist economy. So the Berlusconi government in Italy has ruled that the water will not be as a public good, but a commodity and therefore, will be managed by international corporations (which already possess the same mineral water). Even in Latin
Veolia (multinational which operates the local water) has decided to increase the bills of 300%. Consumers who complain, Veolia sent its teams of armed vigilantes and policemen to remove the counters.
The privatization of water that is happening globally will result in the next few years, millions of deaths from thirst in the poorest countries. Water is sacred in every country, culture and faith of the world: man is made of 65% water, and this is what the Italian government is putting up for sale. The water gushing from the earth is not a commodity, is a fundamental human right and no one can appropriate it to derive illicit profit. Water is the white gold that will fight the next wars. Wars that will be directed by multinationals to which today the government, concerned about the aprons, is selling 65% of our body.
Rosaria Ruffini - a professor of theater at Iuav