exhibit their typical
A beautiful celebration organized by the Province of Enna and the municipalities concerned
Gli appuntamenti: giovedì 6 novembre 2008 alle ore 10:00 in piazza Garibaldi a Nicosia
Su Rete4 prende il via “Cuochi senza frontiere“, il nuovo pogramma culinario del sabato in otto puntate condotto da Davide Mengacci che prende il posto di “Fornelli d’Italia” terminato la scorsa settimana.
In cosa consiste questo programma? In ogni puntata two amateur cooks (one Italian and one foreign) will compete for victory. The program each week will be broadcast from a different place than one of these six Italian regions (Piedmont, Tuscany, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily). Here you will compete with the sound of a competitor recipes native country and another foreigner but, for reasons of work or other, knows
that particular geographical area.
Competitors will be given free choice to cook what they want, they will be given a mandatory ingredient to be used only by force in preparing their dishes. The task of the conductor is to explain the two recipes, anecdotes on the ingredient to given to competitors and offer suggestions on how to prepare the dishes.
Within the format is expected to insert a few minutes where the couple is sent Michael to see other places and other food specialties.
In the episode dedicated to Sicily, Michela Cup will come to Nicosia to describe the northern province of Enna, as decided by the Department of Provincial Tourism
Enna (AGM Tudisco Fabrizio) and Agriculture (Ass Antonino Lombardo) in collaboration with municipal departments of Troina, Cerami, Sperlinga and Nicosia.
Thursday November 6 in the morning, in Piazza Garibaldi in Nicosia, you will set up a large table to display the typical products of these countries accompanied
by the appropriate setting.
The municipal council therefore calls upon the citizens to attend this event which will be broadcast on Channel 4 later on that will be promptly notified.
Nabor Power
Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Nicosia
e-mail 03/11/2008
The program will be broadcast on Rete 4
Saturday, November 15 at 10:50
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