Yes! Tomorrow we start!
Tomorrow finally work!
Uhm but when it arrives tomorrow??
It is now three weeks and we are here to start the fateful day has not arrived yet ... the first two weeks were running, learning, then the second week with the arrival of David there has been a lot meetings, meetings, visits ... Finally it was decided how to set the lavoro…ma ad oggi questo domani non è ancora arrivato! Il motivo? BLOQUEO! Da una settimana Cochabamba è paralizzata da manifestazioni e cortei, le strade sono bloccate da persone, tronchi, macchine, sassi e se provi a passare rischi che ti si taglino le gomme della macchina, per cui o si sta chiusi in casa o si arrischiano percorsi alternativi guadando anche fiumiciattoli e canali con il gippone della parrocchia…
Qui in Bolivia molto spesso la gente scende in piazza a protestare e i malcontenti di questa settimana sono per l’aumento dei prezzi che sta pesando tantissimo sulle famiglie boliviane…prima di Natale il gasolio è aumentato di quasi 2/3, and all this for only a few days because the protests in the streets were so intense as to eliminate the decree in the blink of an eye!
The official communications of the government that decision was justified by three main reasons: the fight against smuggling, need to increase the price per barrel paid to transnational opportunity to invest the savings in direct support to the economy, but more likely the maneuver was put in place to remedy the problems of the state oil company, which, while dictating their own laws on market can not go on ...
The official communications of the government that decision was justified by three main reasons: the fight against smuggling, need to increase the price per barrel paid to transnational opportunity to invest the savings in direct support to the economy, but more likely the maneuver was put in place to remedy the problems of the state oil company, which, while dictating their own laws on market can not go on ...
Meanwhile, since then all prices gradually started to rise, causing a population that mostly lives on the threshold of poverty must absorb a tremendous increase in prices of petrol, sugar and soon the chicken ... this because they were forbidden the export of certain products and having no longer market the crops are less and less and prices continue to soar ... and while protests continue ... but how much and when will you listen?
And we are here, waiting for everything to start this block ends with the work ...
But this is Bolivia, where to look, or better esperamos - as they say in English che mi sembra abbia una accezione più positiva =) – lasciando che anche questa attesa ci insegni qualcosa… perché spesso la Bolivia è fatta di momenti di attesa…a noi che siamo abituati a fare, a buttarci subito, a non voler perdere nemmeno un momento, perché non vogliamo buttare via il tempo…perché anche se in queste tre settimane non ho combinato molto le persone che ho incontrato, i volti, i sorrisi, i racconti e i momenti in cui ho dovuto aspettare mi hanno rivelato qualcosa di questa Bolvia che è ancora tutta da scoprire…
E allora esperamos domani…
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