Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Spot A Fake Mcm

While in Nairobi

with the final farewell to Simon and Cafasso's Children's House!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kelty By Ridgeway 89034

Emanuele ... ... While Mark

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bigest Curling Iron

from Managua to a mimosa across

... Female
are not only the work of God, but also for men
that always make you better with
hearts ... "

and sometimes the beatings ...

Chisinau-World-Italy, March 8, 2011

a hymn to woman, the mother and daughter ..

N on man was today in Chsinau, ergesse not a flower in her hands: a thought for his beloved wife, a tender heart.

"One day of rest"! I think I. .. (And tomorrow, again in the trenches)

Because data in hand, at least two of these men armed with tulips should come to terms with his conscience ...

And like any adverse occurrence, "the whole world over" because "the clothes dirty wash them home a bit 'all (pardon the apotheosis of proverbs).

I know now I should write the report (part I did), but the impatient desire to find news about it has made me lose track of time, and .. Search .. and try try .. I have found not so much ..

I've tried all their own (and do not want to quote a famous advertising), I also believed there could be some association pro-feminist Moldova from which to begin my search, but nothing, only some reference to pornographic sites. ..

I did not find articles on gender, but I discovered that the municipality has given a rose to each woman arrived ... (and the national debt?)

Perhaps then, if you do not speak of the problem, the problem there?

"In your body takes you, like no
the secret of life! In your story

the stain of indifference, of
liscriminazione, oppression ... "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flat Automotive Paint

carnival in Cochabamba .. it all started when according to mythology:

" Pachacamac god of the sky, joined Pachamama and from this union were born twins, a boy and a girl. As in other Andean myth, the father died, or according to other legends, he disappeared at sea or was a prisoner of a spell on an island of the coast.
Pachamama was widowed and alone with her children. On Earth, darkness reigned. In the distance they saw a light that followed, climbing mountains, crossing lakes and battling monsters.
Finally they came to a cave known as Waconpahuin, inhabited by a man named Wakon. These had the fire a potato and a pot of stone. Asked the two children of Pachamama to fetch water. The two late and tried to seduce Wakon Pachamama. Vistosi refused killed, ate his body and put the resti in una pentola.
I due gemelli tornarono e chiesero della madre. Wakon non raccontò nulla e disse loro che sarebbe tornata a momenti, ma i giorni passavano e la madre non tornava.
Huaychau, uccello che annunciava l'alba, ebbe compassione dei due gemelli e raccontò cosa successe alla loro madre mettendoli in guardia del pericolo che correvano rimanendo con Wakon. I bambini legarono i capelli di Wakon, che nel frattempo dormiva, ad una grossa pietra e scapparono in fretta e furia.
Incontrarono una volpe, Añas, che dopo aver chiesto loro perché scappavano e dove stessero andando, li nascose nella sua tana. Nel frattempo Wakon si liberò e si mise in cerca dei gemelli. Incontrò dapprima vari animali a cui chiese se avevano visto due gemelli, ma nessuno seppe aiutarlo. Incontrò, infine, Añas. Questa gli disse che i bambini erano in cima ad una montagna e che avrebbe potuto, una volta in cima, imitare la voce della madre in modo che i bambini uscissero allo scoperto.
Wakon si mise a correre affannosamente verso la cima e non si accorse della trappola che nel frattempo l'astuta volpe Añas gli aveva teso. Wakon cadde da un burrone e, morendo, causò un violento terremoto.
I gemelli rimasero con Añas che gli alimentava con il suo sangue. Nauseati chiesero se poteva andare a raccogliere qualche patata. Trovarono un'oca (Oxalis Tuberosa, un tubero simile alla patata) assomigliante ad una bambola. Giocarono con essa, ma si ruppe un pezzo. I bambini smisero to play and fell asleep.
In sleep he dreamed of the female cast his hat into the air and that this would remain suspended without falling. The same thing happened in the dream, her clothes. Once awake he told the dream to his brother. While the children are asked the meaning of the dream, they saw the sky with a long rope. Intrigued climbed and climbed.
At the top of the rope saw their father, Pachacamac, pity for their misfortunes. Reunited with their father, were turned in
Sun (male) and Luna (the female).
As for Pachamama, it was always at the bottom, taking the form of a massive snowfield chiamato, anche oggi, La Viuda (la vedova).

da allora la Pachamama è rimasta un personaggio importante nella cultura soprattutto Aymara, tantè che viene considerata come la madre che ci protegge e ci porta il cibo per vivere; secondo gli indigeni quindi, se non la si ringrazia l'anno sarà segnato dalla sfortuna per i raccolti per inondazioni o siccità. Il ringraziamento non avviene solo tra i contadini ma anzi in città, case e centri commerciali affinchè la Pachamama possa portar loro il meglio per il nuovo anno.

Entrando più nel rito in sè -la Ch'alla- si adorna il luogo con palloncini e stelle filanti, si mette nel mezzo della Hall of burning coal and wood (Koa) which is placed over the blade of the fetus as a sacrifice to Madreterra then add flowers, fruit and whatever more you want throughout the year so even money or sweets, it all begins Chicha first overthrowing a little bit of (slightly alcoholic drink distilled given by the fermentation of corn or other grains) and immediately after beer at the four corners around the Koa first clockwise and then counter what remains of the glass or drink or throw it on "the mesa" prepared for the motherland.

Once you have completed all the sets himself on fire, the most important thing is that the smoke in the house or enter directly into work because it's the same smoke to purify and bring positive for the new year!

and we had Ch'allato .. Well we can not envisage a year that nothing short of spectacular!

Rugby Shoulder Protector

... While Anna from Chisinau

While First episode aired from Monday to Friday from 15 to 16 on TV2000, visible on the digital terrestrial and Sky Channel 801.

reminds readers of the blog that Thursday 10 Martin will host the live broadcast from Nicaragua and Friday 11 Emanuele Nairobi.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tie Mattress Roof Rack


Quando la signora ha vistola foto dell'intestino del suo cane ha esclamato " oh dio!! Ma è un energumeno!!""

un energumeno? ... che strano sostantivo associato ad "intestino"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two Blue Dots Positive Clear Blue

other side of the fence

In the beginning was the beep. A throbbing, irritating bip. Poi c'era il secondo. E poi il terzo e così via. Ma non era mai prima del ventesimo bip che realizzavo quanto stava accadendo. Era la sveglia che gracchiava. Andava da sè che le mie suppliche della sera precedente non si erano avverate. La Juventus non mi aveva chiamato per giocare al fianco di Del Piero, il Vesuvio non aveva seppellito la mia scuola con una eruzione chirurgica, Masaniello non era tornato in vita per guidare una rivolta che mi avrebbe reso impossibile attraversare la città e raggiungere la mia classe.

Subito dopo cominciava l'affannato rituale descritto magistralmente nel primo Fantozzi di Caffelatte con pettinata incorporata e autobus da prendere al volo. Alla fine delle mie tribolazioni c'era però un premio ad attendermi. The flu-like nap of the first hour to be consumed strictly the last row (except Question careless ones).

Yeah because, excuse the digression, but if someone does not know, the world is divided into two categories. Those of the first banks, and those of the past. I have nothing against you that you will be reading and you'll remember when you were seated at 20 cm from Prof. adored, raise your hands always ready to answer all the comments that interested parties were doing in class. In the end I know you're like everyone else and do not deserve disciminazioni. it's just that without you the school would be a better place. The important thing is that you are aware.

back to us, all of the above sopra rispetto alle mie traumatiche sveglie dei tempi in cui ero un alunno non è cambiato di una virgola adesso che tra le varie cose del mio Servizio Civile lavoro come insegnante di inglese affiancandomi alle professoresse di ruolo. Unica piccola differenza, ahimè alla prima ora non posso schiacciare il pisolino. Ma è una esperienza davvero bellissima, credo che dovrebbe essere un diritto inalienabile di ogni alunno avere da grande una esperienza come professore...

Ogni ora accade qualcosa che mi riporta alla mente gli irripetibili anni passati in classe. L'altro giorno mi è capitato per caso di guardare sotto un banco, e che tuffo al cuore! avevo dimenticato che anche ai miei tempi c'era una piccola mensoletta con gomme appiccicate, fogli stracciati, la merenda per la pausa e quant'altro...

E i lanci di oggetti mentre la prof. è di spalle? Modestamente posso vantare più di un bernoccolo sulla testa di miei compagni di classe grazie alla mia precisione... e le battute fatte durante le interrogazioni che fanno infuriare l'insegnante? e le risse estemporanee mentre la prof scrive alla lavagna ed è girata di spalle? e la follia nei due minuti tra la fine di una lezione e l'inizio dell'altra? e le risate incontrollabili, che proprio perchè non puoi ridere, ridi sempre di più in faccia alla prof.?

Molte volte mi verrebbe voglia di sedermi con loro anche solo per cinque minuti e unirmi ai loro divertimenti. Ma non si può, a ognuno il suo tempo, e torno nel mio ruolo dettato dall'età che ho oggi. Quindi d'ora in poi chiamatemi, per usare un termine arabo, "O'Prufessore"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Disable Veriface Windows 7

home ...

Oggi continuo a pensare a tutto quello che ho lasciato a casa.

Alla mia famiglia , a chi sta bene e a chi in questo momento soffre, a tutto l’affetto che mi ha sempre dimostrato e alla sua capacità di affrontare momenti felici e momenti difficili.

Ai miei amici e le persone a cui voglio bene . Chissà come procederanno i piccoli passi per l’acquisto di una casa, chissà se quest’anno scopriranno qualche altro nuovo gioco in scatola, chissà come coloreranno il lettino del their baby! I wonder how it will travel for people leaving, some for a few weeks in Tokyo, who for some years in Philadelphia, or Harvard, or .... I wonder if the film at the film club will be beautiful, or you will decline the abbiocco! And above all: how many men in uniform will see this year??

And team? The superstitious rites visible effects on the bench?!? What insects found in the locker room? And Seregno 1 ? Ah, right to information, the game here, "princes and princesses" have won the women!

I think of my colleagues and my students : I miss the gags in the classroom teachers, the race car from one school to another, the paths together to get the classes, the pizza pit hour before the interval that sounds at least there is the crowd, scissors withdrawn, cell phones collected, the cards withdrawn , the red carpet and flowers.

It is worth leaving all this?

Then I think to 'flat social , where they are housed six orphan girls . What have emotional ties to them? Is there someone we can trust and give them affection? They have some leisure time in which they can have fun and explore new skills together? When I asked to see photos of my family and my friends, I felt embarrassed, what they have of everything, everything that I miss home?

Yes, then maybe it's worth being here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Online Tech-deck Spel

-7 +1 +2 = 2000 Spring

Big news from the world SCE caritas!

Monday, March 7, in direct from Chisinau via skype, Anna and Elisa will be the first guests of the show WHEREAS, visible on TV channel in 2000 and streaming on the web .

from 15 to 16 (Italian time), will kick off a week devoted to the testimonies of young people who have decided to dedicate a year of its life by engaging in a draft civil service abroad.

Thursday, 10 (same time) will pass the baton to 4 Nica that, allowing time (-7), drawing a cross section of Nueva Vida- Managua.

Friday 11 , Ema and Simona , guests at the home of the New People Media Center "of the Comboni Missionaries in Nairobi , closed the week with a flourish. We also welcome David

who, along with Matthew , former volunteer SCE in Chiapas, are leaving for Haiti . David in the next two weeks will monitor the projects supported by Caritas Ambrosiana e valuterà la fattibilità degli interventi futuri.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Vans Shoesjob Application

How Do You Get Sylvie On Bumper Boats

below zero ..

S e per il resto del mondo la venuta della Primavera è datata 21 Marzo..

La Moldova gioca in anticipo, gareggiando sola dal primo del mese
E non importa che le temperature siano ancora rigide, non importa che esista una cosa chiamata equinozio..

O ggi è un giorno di festa qui a Chisinau!

Le strade they are colored in red and white, the colors of martisor (little March) : two simple strips that together become a "jewel." We offer to all the people he has estimated, for which it has affection, pin on their jackets.

the last day of the month, each appenderderà its martisor a fruit tree making a wish ...

" C 'Once upon a time ... a time when the Sun, embodied in a young man, he used to come down to earth to dance the hora nei villaggi. Un giorno, un drago invidioso, lo rapì nascondendolo nei sotteranei del suo castello.

Allora, gli uccelli smisero di cantare ed i bambini di sorridere.

Nessuno aveva il coraggio di affrontare il drago, ma un giorno, un giovane coraggioso decise di cercare sole. Appena si sparse la notizia in molti scelsero di seguirlo nel viaggio alla ricerca di Sole.

I l viaggio durò tre stagioni: Estate, Autunno ed Inverno.

Nel corso dell'ultimo giorno d'inverno
, il giovane riuscì finalmente a trovare Sun and after a long battle with the dragon, rescued him.

Nature then resumed its course and people again began to smile.

The hero who saved the Sun, was not able to review the spring: the warm blood of his wounds falling on the snow that was now rock, white flowers stood at the same time from the ground (snowdrop).

When the last drop of blood fell sull'immacolata snow, the young man died, happy to have given their lives for a purpose so noble ... "


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Older Version Of Aaa Logo

and watch the world from a porthole .. The story is they

N he years I photographed everything I saw and now has no more folders image has.
A figure is nailed on paper effigy perpetual narratable
.... However, "aim" to reality with the only use of the medium, it ends up making it artificial.

is why I decided, in these days of exploration, to "punish" my faithful traveling companion, to finally witness the life out of focus ..

I saw the scenery change, I saw houses .. and then I have not seen any more.

The frame is white as the snow does not stop to get off, but: " comes a young man who will fight with that dragon, jealous of the sun had hidden .. and the birds stopped singing and the children stopped to smile .. "(Legend of Marzişor).

E 'can now the young, is still pondering what to do and my trips are cold, so cold as is the landscape that surrounds me.
These are not my sites, and yet, with surprise mixed with embarrassment, fascinate me. I am a daughter of wealth and poverty romantic .. What a paradox!

The people I meet are direct witnesses of a historical moment, that seems so far away, but it still shows quite tangible.

A llora, I would like to ask an elder to tell a story ...
not needed, because R advances in R Advances thinks a colleague.
I describes the days of depression following the fall of the communist bloc, it exposes the subject with great serenity, as if he had not lived on the skin and does so at a time in which it is possible that two people with equal passport can not be understood, in a country forced to change the language prorpio several times ..
The world is changing and here I perceive it.

(it may well happen that your partner steps from Romania to Russia without your realizing it ... .. but for now I'm not complaining because, regardless, did not I'd understand)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Genitals And Hatchet Watch It For Free

Sarà stato qualche anno fa. Due forse, o tre. Mi trovavo a Bologna in una di quelle plumbee giornate dell'inverno italiano. Aspettavo una persona, ma siccome freddo, vento e pioggia mi fiaccavano, decisi nell'attesa di dedicarmi a una delle mie attività preferite, ovvero infilarmi in una libreria e perdermi gironzolando qua e là, leggiucchiando una quantità enorme di copertine e abstracts dei testi. Il tempo davvero fugge in quelle occasioni, tra l'incontro con un libro nuovo e la piacevole sensazione di trovare un tomo già letto nel passato.

Quel giorno, mentre girovagavo senza meta mi imbattei nella quarta di copertina di un libro di Tiziano Terzani, adesso sinceramente I do not remember which one. But I remember that I was impressed by a phrase on the back cover that it often reminds me ever since. I think it was a kind of autobiography, because he said he had witnessed the greatest events of his time, it seems to me quoting the Vietnam War, the fall of the Berlin Wall and more. I've dreamed about that phrase so much, I imagined the same thing to say when, among many (not many!) His age and years I will have a great wealth of experience on his shoulders ...

That his sentence can not in my mind today that I am in Jordan, just as the Arab countries are the protagonists of what I consider the most important revolt against an unjust power in the South the romantic time of decolonization. I will remain indelible images of the hundreds of televisions tuned in stores in Amman on 24 out of 24 hours during the days of AlJazeera Tahrir Square. Sensations in the festive crowd outside the Egyptian Embassy I wrote in another post. And even here in Amman, where for the first time in twenty years people took to the streets to demand reforms and greater freedom, a feeling of something sparkling in the air, a new willingness of leadership to the Arab masses for too long in crushed ' corner autocracies based violence.

I will remain a sense of dismay about what is happening these days in Libya, the news coming strike me deeply, massacres degni di altre epoche in un paese che l'Italia ha sempre considerato come il giardino di casa propria. La stessa Italia che non sembra curarsi di molto di quanto sta accadendo se non per le fantasiose previsioni su numeri cataclismatici di profughi che dovrebbero riversarsi sulle nostre coste. Troppo impegnati a discutere delle feste serali del premier o di chissà quale altra notizia di gossip, il popolo italiano non sembra conscio delle sue reponsabilità in questa terribile carneficina portata avanti da un grande amico del festaiolo di Arcore nonchè fornitore di buona parte dell'energia che usiamo ogni giorno.

Ma nonostante le nostre colpe e il menefreghismo la ruota della storia qui continua ad andare avanti e a scrivere pagine di cui sono felicemente testimone (anche se defilato).

Adesso si, la Storia sono loro (e noi italiani ahimè dobbiamo sentirci esclusi)

Heather Harmon Brooke 2010

Review home

Sìore e Sìori, benvenuti alla Prima Edizione del "Jordan Caritas Ambrosiana Picture Festival".
Oggi, 26 Febbraio 2011, si inaugura questa importante manifestazione che vede al centro il progetto SCE in Giordania.
Ogni mese sarà dedicato ad uno specifico tema.
Quello prescelto per Febbraio è "Home Sweet Home, angoli e scorci di Casa Caritas".
Sul blog sarà possibile ammirare solo alcuni degli innumerevoli scatti di questa rassegna fotografica.
Eccone qui tre:

"Davanti al manicomio di Saint-Rémy" - Vincent Van Gogh (Museo d'Orsay, Paris)

"Natura morta con sedia impagliata" - Pablo Picasso (Musée National Picasso, Paris)

"Da dove veniamo? Che siamo? Dove andiamo?" - Paul Gauguin (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Chi lo desidera, potrà anche votare la foto che preferisce. Per votare è sufficiente scrivere nel commento "VOTO" + titolo della vostra foto preferita.
A chi parteciperà ricordo che a fine anno sarà estratto il nome del fortunato vincitore: in palio un Villapizzone a weekend for two, all inclusive (even two extra days of training)!
Yalla yalla!
And now you know the committee is doing? Send the BLI-PUB-CI-TA '!

Friday, February 25, 2011

List Of Sins In The Bible

Kuduro Dance-rhythm-Bolivian

.. to brighten up these long days of rain hit the cochabambina here ..
ale ale a bailar Vamonos :-)

"Las manos arriba
belt alone
From media vuelta
dance kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto empieza only
Mueve la cabeza dance kuduro "

What Is The Best Beading Wire

7 thousand million

This is an interesting video. You will see (among other installations misrepresent) in stand Caritas Fa 'the right thing between 25 and 27 March, entitled "Faces slum."

Not all readers will be able to take part in the fair , and is also that's why I posted.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Images Of A Woman Who Is Ovulating

"Dos de Jóvenes cooperantes Caritas Ambrosiana ..."

... apoyaran to Redes de Solidaridad in 2011 "

reciprocate pleased with the greeting of friends Redes de Solidaridad (Nicaragua),

that have published their blog

to welcome Elizabeth and Martha!

Here's the screenshot of the page

and link to the blog.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Yugioh Duel Academy Vba Cheats

A special meeting ...

Sometimes dreams come true ...
small or large they are the important thing is to believe, but I do believe ...
like my dream of doing community service abroad.
Quet'anno it is a good start and is still amaze me and give me unforgettable moments like this in the picture, and I Gioconda Belli, I wanted to see her, meet her, I knew it would happen sooner or later but what astonishment and joy!
Gioconda Belli, a writer and journalist ... "The woman lived" the book that I feel more than others ... "emerged at dawn" and "I found myself alone in a home for centuries of soil and roots [...] I felt that the world was near [. ..] I saw the roots, hands outstretched calling me. "
How can we forget his words and the poem that closes the book:

No one will be master of this body of lakes and volcanoes
of this mixture of races,
of this story of spears;
loving people of this corn, the
parties in the moonlight;
del popolo dei canti e dei tessuti di tutti i colori.
Né lei né io siamo morte senza un progetto, senza lasciare un’eredità.
Siamo tornate alla terra da dove ancora torneremo a vivere.
Popoloremo di frutti carnosi l’aria dei tempi nuovi.
Colibrì Yarince .
Colibrì Felipe
danzeranno sulle nostre corolle
ci feconderanno eternamente.
Vivremo nel crepuscolo della gioia
nell’alba di tutti i giardini.
Presto vedremo il giorno colmo di felicità
le imbarcazioni dei conquistatori allontanarsi per sempre.
Saranno nostri l’oro and feathers
cocoa and mango
the essence of sacuanjiocges.
Who loves never dies.

Sce ... I offer you this too:)!

Thesis Statements For Abortion

kidding Bolivians

... and here's how David was greeted on his arrival in Bolivia .... one side by the newspapers was the door of his room! =)
Thanks for the past week together!

Used Car Manager Cover Letter

Gerry Scotti

I urge the reader not to go immediately to look at the solution at the end of the post.

Scenario: return home and discover that the workers who are working in the garden beside toppled the mortar on your hanging clothes to dry ... your reaction is:

a) do anything we are all brothers

b) take advantage of it to the wardrobe rifarti

c) you angry ranting like a hyena in English and then find out who only speak Kiswahili

does not end here ...

After finding a translator to find out that the attention of any person in the house they threw stones at windows and doors ..

a) do anything we are all brothers

b) takes the opportunity to redo the fixtures

c) ok, this was better not to have it translate ...

finally ... All you apologize

making you feel arrogant

a) God forbid

b) hunting now looks like the usual white

c) it's me or them to take advantage of stereotypes?!


Eventually we exchanged phone numbers, and make friends with them trying to greet me in Italian and I to say hello in Swahili ... but this is cultural exchange ...

ps: who will explain to the laundry?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coconut Cider Vinegar


oh yes, apparently it rains in Kenya, a lot! but only on days when Mauritius is located in Nairobi, because it started exactly the day it arrived (to the delight of the premises because the rain blesses the visitor) and stopped the night he flew back to Italy ...
Now the sun is shining and the sky lightens our days, accompanied by a cool breeze that makes us forget the 40 degrees!

Closet Rod Brackets Angle

Jordan ... Michael Jordan! Tomorrow

In Arabic Al-Urdun ... English Jordan
In ... In Italian
Jordan ... In Arabic

Maikul Jurdan ... In English
Michael Jordan ... In Italian
Michael Jordan ...

Google reserves the breathtaking and stunning surprises ... CQF
... P. .. C ome Q hen F uori P Jupiter .. C ome Q hen F to P er type Jordan and Michael Jordan comes out!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pokemon Fire Red Cheats Not Working


Yes! Tomorrow we start!

Tomorrow finally work!

Uhm but when it arrives tomorrow??
It is now three weeks and we are here to start the fateful day has not arrived yet ... the first two weeks were running, learning, then the second week with the arrival of David there has been a lot meetings, meetings, visits ... Finally it was decided how to set the lavoro…ma ad oggi questo domani non è ancora arrivato! Il motivo? BLOQUEO! Da una settimana Cochabamba è paralizzata da manifestazioni e cortei, le strade sono bloccate da persone, tronchi, macchine, sassi e se provi a passare rischi che ti si taglino le gomme della macchina, per cui o si sta chiusi in casa o si arrischiano percorsi alternativi guadando anche fiumiciattoli e canali con il gippone della parrocchia…

Qui in Bolivia molto spesso la gente scende in piazza a protestare e i malcontenti di questa settimana sono per l’aumento dei prezzi che sta pesando tantissimo sulle famiglie boliviane…prima di Natale il gasolio è aumentato di quasi 2/3, and all this for only a few days because the protests in the streets were so intense as to eliminate the decree in the blink of an eye!
The official communications of the government that decision was justified by three main reasons: the fight against smuggling, need to increase the price per barrel paid to transnational opportunity to invest the savings in direct support to the economy, but more likely the maneuver was put in place to remedy the problems of the state oil company, which, while dictating their own laws on market can not go on ...

Meanwhile, since then all prices gradually started to rise, causing a population that mostly lives on the threshold of poverty must absorb a tremendous increase in prices of petrol, sugar and soon the chicken ... this because they were forbidden the export of certain products and having no longer market the crops are less and less and prices continue to soar ... and while protests continue ... but how much and when will you listen?

And we are here, waiting for everything to start this block ends with the work ...

But this is Bolivia, where to look, or better esperamos - as they say in English che mi sembra abbia una accezione più positiva =) – lasciando che anche questa attesa ci insegni qualcosa… perché spesso la Bolivia è fatta di momenti di attesa…a noi che siamo abituati a fare, a buttarci subito, a non voler perdere nemmeno un momento, perché non vogliamo buttare via il tempo…perché anche se in queste tre settimane non ho combinato molto le persone che ho incontrato, i volti, i sorrisi, i racconti e i momenti in cui ho dovuto aspettare mi hanno rivelato qualcosa di questa Bolvia che è ancora tutta da scoprire…
E allora esperamos domani…

Friday, February 18, 2011

Difference Between Bra Bluse

Bernadicta and Olive (comme la femme du Président), better known as "Marie "!!!!!

Eccoci qua! Finalmente anche da Kindu, malgrado i problemi di comunicazione, arrivano notizie!
Dunque, da dove cominciamo… dal titolo del post. Proviamo a spiegarvi come ragiona un kindulese medio.
Fino ad oggi solo due bianche impavide e spavalde si aggiravano per le strade di Kindu: Maria e Maria, le due ex servizio civiliste che ci hanno precedute e che sfortunatamente avevano lo stesso nome. Dal che, il kindulese medio deduce che tutte le bianche si chiamano Maria. Dal momento in cui a popolare le strade di Kindu erano solo le due Marie nessun problema. Ma due nuove giovani e sprovvedute hanno preso a girare a piedi e in moto per le strade della città…e unison a chorus rises, "Marieee !!!!".
Most of our time working and not, and then dedicate it to try to make it clear to kindulese mean that not all white are called Mary and ourselves that we have two different names.
For Olivia's life is already easier, as the wife of Kabila, President of the DRC, as she is called. And the average kindulese loves the idea that a white woman can be called as the femme du Président!
for Benedict, however, things get complicated .... His name is subject to corruption of all kinds, ranging from Bernadette to Benedicte in Benaditta up to the total synthesis .... Bernadicta! Worse if his nickname suggests: Bebe, which inevitably turns into a French-speaking ... Baby.
Enough! Call it what you like! Yesterday
the turning point that marks the beginning of a new era. Johanna English cooperating in a motorcycle through the streets of the city was called in a loud voice Oliviaaaaaa!
short, a disaster between lexical and the other, we begin to reap the first fruits of our hard work!
A kiss to all.
Bernadicta and Olive

How To Get Rid Of A Hernia

Stamps .. Illegal

Hello, my name is Elisa and B positive.

P n order to obtain a permit to stay in Moldova you must be in good health.
Nothing to complain, I say, not that many tests are based on rigorous test of trust!
(or just us?).

Following the studs Elena
our guardian angel in these days of discipleship, our visits to every specialist in the medical field.

A specialist .. "Taccc" .. a stamp

I think the long lines in front of the police headquarters in Genoa Blanca got up at 3 am to settle in an orderly queue.

I the dispute in recent days: Benigni, cachet, Belen and Belin .. but because no one thinks to Bahrain?

I think that .. there are many topics on which we pondered ..

But today I do not want the useless rhetoric, I think today ..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Twins Mastrubating Each Other

Elisa and I are adjusting practices to obtain permission to stay: we need to use medical examinations, which are shown in the declarations of owning a home and a job ... I am reminded

the film "Illegal", set in Belgium. The protagonist is a woman of Belarus. Work, has a permanent home, but it was not granted permission to stay, so he lives illegally. Until the day he is stopped by the police.

Intrigued, I discovered that there are so many films on the subject, I found a site, it seems interesting: It might be a good intuition for our free time, although for now the charm of the outdoor pool and an ice cream to -8 ° C are the winning ideas!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Latek Glove People Halloween

questa non fa ridere... indignazione!



VENEZIA - A scatenare le polemiche a Fossalta (Venezia) c'è stata anche la presa di posizione del sindaco Massimo Sensini sui cani randagi: «In tempi di crisi - dichiara - quelli who are not adopted by a family within 2-3 years should be suppressed because the municipalities are not able to keep them for 10-15 years. " For him, the Northern League, "it's just hypocritical attitude of those who do not realize how the animals are forced to live in shelters." Sensini, until last year owned a Samoyed dog, said the municipal government Fossalta to pay 25 000 euro per year to keep animals alive 19. "In these times - he concludes - not we can afford."